[wp-forums] Doing it for free.

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 21:38:56 GMT 2006

I don't want to be the devil's advocate, but it appears that's where my head
is today.

Let's say all the details get worked out, and this goes forward.  Then let's
say it's highly successful. 100's of installs done.  Then let's say everyone
gets 2.0.x installed, and a month later 2.1 is released.  These people come
back and ask about assistance upgrading.  Will that be done through the
forums, in essence teaching them how to do what was done for them?  Or does
the upgrade get done for them?  Let's assume for a minute 2.1 is upgraded
for them.  4 days later, a security issue arrises, and 2.1.1 is released.
  See where I'm going with this?

As I type this, MarkJaquith's plugin tutorial keeps popping into my head,
and wonder if collective energy could be used to create videos of
installation on all the various hosting services/cpanel/plesk situations
possible. Creating the database and user.  Have both Mac and Windows users
using popular ftp and text editors visually uploading the files and editing
the config.  Then have an upgrade video as well.  I wonder if that would
cover a broader base?


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