[wp-forums] Fwd: Nervous?

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 17:05:17 GMT 2006

On 4/19/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> Handy wrote:
> > Hrmm, coupled with this post:
> > http://wordpress.org/support/topic/69475?replies=6#post-365715
> >
> I have suspicions too. Have done for a while... but what can we do?
> Would I allow someone who is literally JUST a name, no website, no
> history, no blog to have my information? Not a chance. No way.
> But then what could / should we do?

Yeah, I think i'm just being overly nervous.  As greats minds have pointed
out, "You can't legislate against stupidity".   So there really isn't much
we can do.

I could post comments about trust and common sense, but all that would
likely do is
1) detract from the OP
2) spiral into flame wars.

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