[wp-forums] We need to be friendly.

petit at petitpub.com petit at petitpub.com
Sun Apr 16 17:08:30 GMT 2006

TechGnome <tg at tannagh.com>: says:

> What I am opposed to:
> *Any* kind of system that leads to a caste like hierarchy that 
> results in elitism. IE: You listen to me because I am an XYZ and 
> better than you. Besides user levels shouldn't have a place in a 
> support forum such as this.
> What I am NOT opposed to:
> Some kind of system that leads to the promotion of POSTS (not users).
> I am not opposed to the idea of having some kind of link or button, 
> or some such that allows users to mark a post as being helpful. 
> However places where I've seen this implemented, the points went back 
> to the poster, rather than the post itself. I'd just assume that the 
> "points" remain with the post. "X users have found this post to be 
> helpful. Rating: 4 out of 5 stars." -- not unlike what one finds at 
> Amazon.com with their user rating. These post rating can then be 
> taken into consideration during searches, possibly giving them a 
> little more weight.
> Just an idea and my thoughts.
> -tg
> Podz wrote:
>> Michael B wrote:
>>> I didn't mean to imply that I was proposing implementing a points system.
>>> Merely commenting on the recent experience with Apple's official support
>>> forums in regards to Craig's idea of a karma system.
>>> As I said, I don't have much experience with support forums outside WP and
>>> the other I mentioned, macosxhints.
>>> I completely defer to those who've more experience with such.
>> No defering :)
>> Arguably, it's people like me who should be saying "How can we push 
>> this forward then?" because new ideas being stamped on by the 
>> 'old-timers' is a bad model to follow. So no idea should be rejected 
>> until it really has been discussed by as many as join in.
>> I also tend toward finding the holes in schemes. I look to how 
>> things will break, be exploited, be abused before I consider the 
>> benefits - so at the start of any project (be that in Real Life or 
>> online) I am always the negative one.
>> P.

I agree with Podz and others here, that points and stars and scores for the
helpers in the forum, will only bring on unneccessary competition and solve no

I'm in support of Michels idea, that the OP starting a thread should have an
easy way to mark it resolved. As it stands, very few people find their way to
use that status mark. I remember it took me a while to find out how that would
be done.
Once you know, it's easy, but a checkbox in the input area would be fine.

If it were to be used more, searching among resolved tread for a 
solution could
be effective.


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