[wp-forums] We need to be friendly.

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sun Apr 16 09:33:56 GMT 2006

Michael B wrote:
> I didn't mean to imply that I was proposing implementing a points system.
> Merely commenting on the recent experience with Apple's official support
> forums in regards to Craig's idea of a karma system.
> As I said, I don't have much experience with support forums outside WP and
> the other I mentioned, macosxhints.
> I completely defer to those who've more experience with such.

No defering :)

Arguably, it's people like me who should be saying "How can we push this 
forward then?" because new ideas being stamped on by the 'old-timers' is 
a bad model to follow. So no idea should be rejected until it really has 
been discussed by as many as join in.

I also tend toward finding the holes in schemes. I look to how things 
will break, be exploited, be abused before I consider the benefits - so 
at the start of any project (be that in Real Life or online) I am always 
the negative one.


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