[wp-forums] Speaking of being more friendly....

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Mon Apr 10 21:47:40 GMT 2006

TechGnome wrote:

> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/68136?replies=10
> Don't make me call you out.... you know who you are.
> In addition to being nice & friendlier to the users of the forum.... 
> we also need to be nice to each other.

Hear, hear!

> I'd really hate to see this (any) thread degrade in to a bicker war, 
> such that the OP decides to look else where for help.
> It doesn't reflect nicely on us, the forums, or you as individuals.
> -tg

May I suggest, we don't talk in the forum about "the OP" in third 
person, as we might do here.
What's an OP anyway ( being a bit Swedish as usual ;)

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