[wp-forums] We need to be friendly.

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Sun Apr 9 17:29:18 GMT 2006

Podz wrote:

> spencerp wrote:
>  - a long post :)
> It's not about asking for apologies, just that we need to take notice 
> that others are noticing.
> spencerp - I think it's great that you do come back to help given how 
> things started off :)
> P.

As often happens, I have to agree with Podz on both accounts :)

We really need to friendly in the forum.
Keeping up the good tune and trying to be as helpful as possible, is the 
only way to keep the forum useful and a place where WordPressers thrive.

It can be frustrating to answer the same question again and again, but 
it is inevitable. The download counter for WP tells us that new bloggers 
install the platform all the time, and many of them will meet the same 
problem as others have met before. Most of them will not be tech persons 
- the just want to blog about their lives and interests. Most of them 
also want to tune their theme to express who they are, which will almost 
certainly get them into trouble.

As a teacher I used to say to myself, "I've been preaching this or that 
simple thing to them for decades, and still they don't seem to get it". 
That's the way it works.
In the forum I'm not obliged to answer, so I can take a pause if it's 
getting hard.

spencerp - you are a helpful guy, and I don't think you have to 
apologize as much for old sins ;).
As for me, I'd miss you on the forum as much as we both missed moshu 
until he got back.

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