[wp-forums] Maybe will help spam

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Sun Apr 9 03:27:23 GMT 2006

On 4/8/2006 9:24:21 PM, Matt Mullenweg (m at mullenweg.com) wrote:
> I've made two changes to the forums that may help spam, and you can tell
> spammers if you want.
> First: All outgoing links now have nofollow.
> Second: While everyone here should still have their names linked to
> their site, most people will not. I won't
> say the criteria for getting
> your name linked.
> Hopefully this will discourage people from posting/registering just to
> spam.
> --
> Matt Mullenweg

Be great if it does help, though truthfully this is probably the 
"cleanest" forum I've ever seen that way (yes, we do see spammers, but 
they really aren't an epidemic unlike some other places....)

Not to worry on site linking for me, I don't bother anyway.


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