[wp-forums] We need to be friendly.

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Sat Apr 8 20:08:46 GMT 2006

Podz wrote:
> If the response to every issue that had been posted once before had been 
> "SEARCH" then we'd not be much would we? Codex.. why bother - we can 
> search.

I'd add that telling people to search is not an answer, but providing
a link to a search that actually brings up the answer is a good way to
avoid having to once again write three paragraphs on the topic (or for
the brighter folk, copying and pasting). Better yet, just link to the
most informative post you can find.

Keep in mind that because you've come across the several dozen threads
discussing why this doesn't work or that is causing an error, you know
just what to search for to quickly pull the information up. Most other
members won't.

They don't live on the forums...like, uh, some of us do.

> Bad news travels fastest and lingers longest - so one shouting match in 
> the forums can negate the effect of many many more good answers and 
> experiences. Calling people names ("Troll") also does nothing at all but 
> to attack and lower the tone.

Yes. The only ones who deserve to be called names are the blood-sucking,
baby-eating spammers. Remember that!

I've said it before: Never take it seriously. This is supposed to be fun!
And when it stops being fun, think about pulling away for a while. You do
NOT have to do this. When you let it get to you and start taking it out
on the forums, it helps no one.

> The forums are not our playground.

No comment here. Just liked the point being made.


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