[wp-forums] Resolved Threads

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Fri Apr 7 16:50:29 GMT 2006

Just out of curiosity, how difficult would it be to add [R] to the front 
of the subject of resolved threads?
I've seen this on other forums that when the thread is marked resolved, 
a [RESOLVED] gets added to the OP subject.
On a personal note, it would save me time from looking through posts 
that are already resolved (which, yes I know I could click into the 
thread and see if it's marked resolved or not, this would shortcut it a 
little). I also have a tendency to skip right past all the meta info and 
start reading through the thread. On a less personal note it may also 
help others who are looking through posts for an answer to something. By 
seeing the [R] in front of the subject line, they would know that they 
might find what they are looking for.

Just a thought.


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