[wp-forums] Our role

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Tue Apr 4 13:37:05 GMT 2006

Podz wrote:

> We are not meant to know everything.
> We are not expected to answer everything.
> But we ARE expected to act in the manner we expect others to behave in 
> the forums.
> People will follow the examples of forum mods and regulars.
> If we take it low, others will take it lower.
> So we aim high and keep it there as much as we can.
> None of us will get that 100% right but we need to get as close as 
> possible.
> But what we should be doing is enjoying the work. Enjoying helping 
> people out. If that is not the case and it becomes "work" then 
> stop..... I'm not saying that at anyone - just that we all tend to 
> lose focus at times.
> P.

Hear, hear!
We really should enjoy being on the forum.
We are not forced to be there, and when we get tired, we should take a paus.
When upset, which no doubt will happen at times, we'd better do the 
famous "count to ten" approach ;)
Y'a know, dont worry, be happy!

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