[wp-forums] Possible Post Move

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Mon Apr 3 19:07:29 GMT 2006

Yeah, I can't seem to move it either.
Does  anyone here have that ability? I'm thinking it just needs to be 
moved to the Themes & Templates forum.


Michael B wrote:

>I don't seem to have the ability to move the post to it's own thread.  It
>doesn't appear to be specifically related to widgets, though may be updating
>the theme to work with them, google translate doesn't give that impression.
>On 4/3/06, TechGnome <tg at tannagh.com> wrote:
>>Does this post need to be moved? I'm not sure how it relates to the
>>topic at hand (regarding widgets).
>>http://wordpress.org/support/topic/67234?replies=3#post-357242 Not sure
>>what to look for and the fact that the entire site is in German (or it
>>could be Dutch for all I know) I don't see how it related to themes
>>using widgets (is (s)he saying that their them uses widgets OK or what?
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