[wp-forums] wp.com

Lorelle VanFossen lorelle at cameraontheroad.com
Wed Sep 21 21:22:14 GMT 2005

This is what I see:

installation: host
themes: host
plugins: host
templates: host
writing: user
uploading: user
categories: user
links manager: user
Pages: user
Options Setup: user
Podcasting: user
Images: user
Comments: user

And this is just a brush of the separation. I think that users can be 
easily served by WordPress support and hosts can be served by MU.

If a user goes to MU, they are going to have to prowl through 
installation, plugins, configuration and technical stuff. If a user goes 
to WordPress support, they have a much better chance of finding the 
answers to podcasting, images, posting, and use features. So they can't 
adjust templates - they are much happier not having to deal with 
installs and upgrades ;-).


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