[wp-forums] wp.com

Lorelle VanFossen lorelle at cameraontheroad.com
Wed Sep 21 19:45:27 GMT 2005

That's our Matt. Always thinking ahead towards World Domination. We need 
to rename WordPress to WorldPress. ;-)

I don't see much help for the end user of WordPressMU sites going to the 
MU forum, since that seems to service the hosts more than the users. The 
things the users want to do are usually more WordPress related, posting, 
uploading, and such. And they will be using 1.6, though a...I hate the 
word "crippled version", but let's call it a "limited" version.

Matt, what say you? Hosts for MU forum and users for WordPress Forum - 
or have it really separated? We need to know so we can all prepare. I'd 
really hate to have user support segregated since so much of the support 
will be redundant.


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