[wp-forums] This needs debating please

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Mon Sep 12 13:32:54 GMT 2005

Scott Merrill wrote:

> Sound fair?
My point is that we may well be good, fast, and authoritative but we 
already miss questions - why else have the no-replies tag ? People are 
posting with legitimate questions about their WP code - and then we have 
jokers that really cannot even drop two words in Google (It's the #1 
Unless we keep and enforce a focus we will have more and more people 
dropping by. Unless a URL is given in the post I am now checking 
people's sites first - there was a poster last night asking for an SQL 
query to delete TB's. Their name led to a drupal site - how do we know 
who we are answering ? I really don't think it's unreasonable to expect 
a decent focus. We also seem to get a fair chunk of Adsense posts (a 
topic I don't care for particularly but the last time I said what I 
thought in the forums I was directly attacked in a few blogs so I've 
given up) and where it's code placement, fair enough. Today we have 
someone moaning about the ad quality - and it's in the How To forum 
again: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/44337

I don't disagree with your work Skippy, but then what if I had posted 
about my router problem ? After all, no router = no wp = problem.

I really don't like interfering with posts but an increase in moving 
posts to the Misc forum might be a start ?


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