[wp-forums] Affiliate links

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Sep 9 16:29:39 GMT 2005

tg at tannagh.com wrote:
> And it's still there... I had wanted to add a little more to it. To
> avoid the "But no one told me" syndrome, which is usualy followed by
> the "Hey, what happened to my post" symptom, which inevitably results
> in the "forum Nazis" afliction. Just a little note of warning that they
> may or may not get one, and that they may or may not get an
> explanation.
> I just want to avoid some of the things I've seen in the past here and
> on other forums when things get out of hand.

I think that the majority of the time users would get a notice of some 
sort but that rarely they will not. I'd see this last bunch as the ones 
who really wouldn't need hitting with the Clue Bat as to why their post 
had been deleted - obvious spam, insults, repeat posts.

And in the interests of openess, I've added a fairly full list of what 
can be done from my keyboard at 
http://codex.wordpress.org/User:Podz/Forum and my email address is there 
if people want to use it.


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