[wp-forums] Affiliate links

ifelse wordswithstyle at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 14:00:51 GMT 2005

Nice work Skippy. I've made a few additions which may or may not be needed 
but it looks pretty good anyways. The aim is to get people to read this so 
I'm fully in favour of short and sweet rather than long but comprehensive.

On 9/9/05, Scott Merrill <skippy at skippy.net> wrote:
> I wrote:
> > As we exercise moderation powers more and more, we _really_ need to
> > establish a written policy so that participants know what is and is not
> > permitted. I'll develop an outline on the Codex in my user space right 
> now.
> Very rough first-draft:
> http://codex.wordpress.org/User:Skippy/Forum_Rules
> Please edit as you see fit. I'd like to keep this in layman's terms, as
> it's a guideline and not a legal document. Short-and-sweet is better
> for our purposes than a fifteen paragraph EULA with sub-clauses and lots
> --
> skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/
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