[wp-forums] A sidebar suggestion

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Sep 3 08:07:36 GMT 2005

More thoughts...

Why not have an 'International' link in admin-footer that leads to a 
specific page that lists the known wp sites ? While knowing where the 
Belgian translation file is will help some, it is in itself of little 
help (our busy forums are proof of that). Having a list of known sites 
though enables that Belgian person to select another language with which 
they are comfortable.

If someone has gone to the time and effort to set up a site dedicated to 
WP which will have cost them time, energy and money then surely we can 
do some more to promote their work - after all, what goes around comes 
around. And if fundraising does take place, there is no reason why their 
financial needs could not be considered is there ?

If I suggested something on the hackers list that meant a user had to 
click one more time than they do, my guess is there would be a huge 
inquest, it would be dismissed and something better would come out of 
it. What I'm saying here and in the last email is that we can go a long 
way to reducing the clicking (and inevitable frustration) of 
international users - and less clicks are better aren't they ?


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