[wp-forums] what's the right answer?

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Sat Oct 29 04:48:33 GMT 2005

I know it can be done, seems to make sense and honestly, I'm surprised 
it hasn't been done as part of the core. It would mean a modification to 
the comments template file (to add the check box) and a mod to the core 
file that processes the comment post action. A simple if statement could 
then check the value of the checkbox field and either set the cookie (if 
cleared) or not (if set)..... or the other way around... depends on how 
you describe the option (ie "Remember Me" vs. "Forget Me")


Moshu wrote:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/48070
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/47912
> seems to be a returning question. Should we ask some developer gurus
> about it? Or, if you guys know the answer, please don't be shy...
> thanks,
> moshu
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