[wp-forums] Spam ?

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Tue Oct 18 17:17:40 GMT 2005

There doesn't appear to be a WP blog anywhere on the site. Going to his 
URL w/ index.php results in a file not found error. And I even checked 
to see if there was a /WordPress folder or a /wp-admin folder. Nada on 
both accounts.

I should enter his little contests with a rant about how people abuse 
support forums to further thier own websites and agendas w/o even using 
the software the forum supports.


Matt Mullenweg wrote:

> Podz wrote:
>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/47232
> Poor guy is probably on one of those MU hosts that is popping up every 
> week.

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