[wp-forums] Forum Indicator

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Tue Nov 29 16:36:06 GMT 2005

Yup, I'd like it too 


Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Losing it[1] - http://lcb.me.uk/

-----Original Message-----
From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com
[mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Vicki Frei
Sent: 29 November 2005 15:36
To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
Subject: Re: [wp-forums] Forum Indicator

Whether the beta forum is there or not for much longer, I think this is
a super idea!


On 11/29/2005 7:37:55 AM, ifelse (wordswithstyle at gmail.com) wrote:
> Good idea and I'm all in favour of this idea.
> As an aside, it'll be
> nice if BBPress allowed this functionality out of the box (and allowed you
> to, for example, use icons instead of just a designator) but
> it's not that difficult to implement.
> On 11/29/05, TechGnome <tg at tannagh.com [link: mailto:tg at tannagh.com]>
wrote: I'm
> going to try my luck one last time with this suggestion.
> Would anyone else see any benefit in having a forum designator next to
> the posts on the forum front page?
> My thought on this would be to have a single letter represent each forum:
> I - Intallation
> H - How To and Troubleshooting
> T - Themes and Templates
> P - Plugins and Hacks
> R - Requests and Feedback
> Y - Your Wordpress
> M - Miscellaneous
> B - Beta (2.0 for now, but also for future ones)
> Personaly I have no interest in supporting 2.0 bugs at the moment, I
> don't know enough about it. And a lot of the posts don't indicate that
> it is a Beta bug (for instance the thread "Non Registered Users and
> Comments - http://wordpress.org/support/topic/50643 - ) So I'm wasting
> my time clicking into these threads. Granted, I look to see if it's a
> Beta bug or not as soon as 
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