[wp-forums] Resolved Threads

Vicki Frei vkaryl at allvantage.com
Mon Nov 21 23:09:04 GMT 2005

I was thinking that it would be good to post a "So do you consider this 
situation resolved? If so, please change the dropdown to Resolved, thanks!" to 
the OP, wait a couple of days to see if the person does change it (a couple of 
days is reasonable, given not everyone spends the sort of time there that we 
do), and if the OP doesn't change it then we should.


On 11/21/2005 4:03:00 PM, Podz (podz at tamba2.org.uk) wrote:
> I think we do need to ponder the 'Resolved' status.
> Hopefully, as Michael B has pointed out, now there are more of us who
> can change things like the Resolved status, tags etc then we can start
> using the information that this then generates.
> There was a debate a while ago about "Is it resolved or not" type issues
> and I certainly found it quite tricky to decide at times. Sometimes the
> answers given were perfect but the things the OP was coming back with
> made it less than clear if they actually understood. I could only hit a
> number of topics though so now a greater number of threads can be seen
> and changed things will alter for the better. Should we take a more
> active stance, weigh up the whole thread and make a decision that way ?
> We have to bear in mind that we need to look at the resolution or not
> from the pov of the OP - not us. Sometimes we will get it wrong - but
> then we just un-resolve it.
> But then what do we do with all these resolved threads ?
> Ideally, they would be weighted in a search so that they appeared
> highest - but mdawaffe said that search is just about the hardest part
> of coding in the forum. I certainly
> don't use the forum search as I u

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