[wp-forums] Resolved Threads

Vicki Frei vkaryl at allvantage.com
Mon Nov 21 22:26:12 GMT 2005

I actually like all those ideas....


On 11/21/2005 3:19:58 PM, TechGnome (tg at tannagh.com) wrote:
> Is there something that can be done to make it more obvious and easier
> for people to mark their threads as resolved? Like maby something closer
> to the Post Reply box? Even a simple check box might help.
> Another thought (and this will probably be ignored and/or shot down as
> soon as it's read, but it's jsut an idea) is to possibly have resolved
> threads not show on the front page. It would give more room to the
> unresolved threads. Another idea would be to have a section
> "Last 10
> Resolved Issues" .... I don't know. I'm just thinking out loud
> here,
> make of it what you will.
> -tg
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