[wp-forums] beta

Vicki Frei vkaryl at allvantage.com
Sun Nov 20 16:28:19 GMT 2005

This is what I just wrote up myself, ifelse beat me to the punch!

"The official support site for K2 is here: 
http://flickr.com/groups/binarybonsai/.  Please post your questions and/or 
problems to that site, as we do not support that particular mod on this forum. 


On 11/20/2005 9:24:26 AM, ifelse (wordswithstyle at gmail.com) wrote:
> Here's how I suggest we respond to K2 issues:
> K2 is not supported here. Issues should be directed to the official K2 support forum at http://flickr.com/groups/binarybonsai/
> On 11/20/05, ifelse <wordswithstyle at gmail.com [link: mailto:wordswithstyle at gmail.com]> wrote: With K2, we should approach it the same way we approach any other non-core WP query such as Google Ads, SEO etc... If we can answer it easily and quickly, then do so; otherwise (and as well as), politely refer them to the K2 support arena held elsewhere.
> K2 is a significant modification and support is handled externally so there is no harm in referring them there. If anything, everyone benefits as the user gains support from people who have deeper inside knowledge, the K2 team become aware of the issues and we can focus on the areas where we can help best.
> On 11/20/05, Vicki Frei < vkaryl at allvantage.com [link: mailto:vkaryl at allvantage.com]> wrote: Yes, the k2 problem needs to be nipped in the bud asap.  I have the feeling from
> things I've
> read that
> there's a long road to the point where k2 plays nice with
> the next release, and since it's
> almost a fork on its own, I vote we have a
> stock answer that each of us uses by rote....
> V
> On 11/20/2

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