[wp-forums] 2-3 plugins

Austin Matzko if.website at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 18:10:36 GMT 2005

I'm new to this list, but recently on the wp-hackers list, Matt asked
what 2-3 plugins should be bundled with WordPress.  It seems to me
that this is a good question for those of you who have spent a lot of
time in the forums.  What do ordinary users commonly request that
could be solved with a couple of plugins?

On 11/11/05, Matt Mullenweg <m at mullenweg.com> wrote:
> If you could bundle 2-3 plugins with the next release of WordPress, what would they be?
> Criteria to keep in mind:
> * Size (smaller the better)
> * Stability
> * Maturity
> * Popularity

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