[wp-forums] Theme.

Vicki Frei vkaryl at allvantage.com
Sat Nov 12 16:23:41 GMT 2005

Entirely true, and I agree with your statement on Classic - which is 
REALLY too bad, because it's so easy to tweak it's almost silly.  And in 
fact, regardless that I have YEARS in the css/html business, I took one 
look at "default's" guts and dumped it in favor of Classic to start out 
with when I started with WP in February.

Yes, I suppose the stuff about default IS known, though I don't know any 
of it myself.  Still, there's absolutely NO reason a plain-vanilla theme 
couldn't be picked out and gone with.  There are any number of them that 
don't really HAVE idiosyncracies - Gemini comes to mind, seems like I 
was looking at it about when I decided to start doing my own instead, 
and it seemed pretty "tame".... sure you CAN complicate it (see Jen's 
takeoffs on it for instance), but it's far far less of a dingdong than 

I'd hate to see you become a banana, buy WHY not go back to Classic?  Is 
there some sort of esoteric background knowledge I don't have here?  If 
the sage green is too "dull", it could be reworked color-wise, but you 
know it's just SILLY to forgo use of it as the "new default" - for which 
it is absolutely perfect.


On 11/12/2005 9:08:31 AM, wp-forums at lists.automattic.com wrote:
 > Vicki Frei wrote:
 > > I
 > don't do IRC, Podz, so consider this my proxy to you to vote FIRMLY in
 > > favor of dumping Kubrick for something far more elegant and equally 
 > > difficult to tweak - like Classic.
 > My concern is that we could get an equally "clever" theme with it's
 > own
 > idosyncrasies. I dislike the default theme hugely, but at least I know
 > most of the answers. Classic ? Fine - but
 > that's as likely to happen as
 > me turning into a banana :)
 > It's a
 > concern too that such a discussion could be led by people who
 > will do very very little support, if any at all. This sounds devisive -
 > it's not meant to be. Hackers are content with digging into code - the
 > vast majority of forum users want things to 'just
 > work' and it's us that
 > make that happen.
 > P.
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