[wp-forums] Forum makeover

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Wed Nov 9 06:09:18 GMT 2005

Podz wrote:
> - that WE make a list of what is and is not acceptable in each forum.

IMO this will never be quite right. The forums themselves are pretty 
much useless, they're too broad for really browsing and if you're brand 
new there's a strong cognitive barrier to figuring out where your post 
should go. This was what tagging was supposed to address, eventually I'd 
like for there to be no forums at all.

> - non-wp problems. Somewhere we need to draw a line.

I think they should be directed elsewhere and the thread should be 
closed. We need a sentence that says something like:

"The WordPress support forums are focused on core WordPress issues 
because we have limited time and resources. If your issue is only 
tangentially related to the WordPress software or is a more general web 
development or integration question, see this Codex article for a list 
of places that would be better suited for your question."

> - attitudes from posters. We don't need to add to their frustration, and
> I feel that sometimes they already have their own agenda. Do we ignore ?
> Do we have a stock answer ?

Could we have a "closed due to rudeness" post and then close the thread? 
That would also set an example.

> - FAQ. I like FAQ's. If you have them, no-one reads them. If you do not
> have them, you get told off. But I like writing them more. The one
> previously posted comprehensive yet concise enough ? Do we have one per
> forum ? That viable / useful ? Want to write one ?

I would never say no to more info on the Codex. :)

Matt Mullenweg
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