[wp-forums] State of play

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Wed Nov 9 05:40:21 GMT 2005

Vicki Frei wrote:
> Non-wp code:  ugh.  I would like to suggest that from this point forward 
> we refer all non-wp code questions to thelist at evolt.org.  It's what they 
> do so very very well, and why on EARTH should we deal with non-wp coding 
> questions?

I would *strongly* support a much harder line on non-WP related 
questions, with a set answer everyone uses and the subsequent closing of 
the thread.

There are plenty of forums and mailing lists like evolt and CSS-D and 
Sitepoint that are far better suited to handle those types of things. 
Like Podz has said several times, we have enough on our hands already.

Matt Mullenweg
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