[wp-forums] Forum makeover

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 02:11:29 GMT 2005

I've been simply lurking on this list and the forums for the past few
months, many issues precipitated this, but I still care about the
development, and would like to give back when I can. I agree, the forums
have greatly changed since I first became a user, as already pointed out,
discussions become far more about very non WP related issues, even a lot of
the CSS questions.
I've seen questioned regarding "more" topics, and I wonder if sub-topics
would be better suited. Such as annoucements, for new theme and plugin
releases, CSS in themes, etc.
I understand tags basically replace that issue, but few too many threads
have tags, and my call a few months back to blitz the forum and add tags,
and add "resolved" to threads went basically unanswered, likewise, many new
to WP and blogs simply don't understand the concept, therefore don't use it.
Granted, that still creates issues of where it "should be", versus where a
user posts, and perhaps to that issue, "mini- mods" with simply the power to
move threads would help solve that issue. I don't know the limitations on
the user levels, so someone else would be able to say whether that is
possible. It would be unfair to leave that up to Podz and the few others
that have that power.

Aside from that, I generally agree with the consensus that some line needs
to be drawn in the sand and stuck to regarding what is and what isn't going
to be handled in the forums, otherwise might as well stop calling it
WordPress support, and start calling it Blog support forums.

Finally, it seems that WP.com should be able to send mass emails to all
users notifying them that .org is not the proper avenue for help, and to use
the feedback tab in their dashboard. Otherwise, start a .com forum that
doesn't show up in the main page, and recruit a few .com users to pop in to
answer the questions that aren't covered in a stickied FAQ for that forum.
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