[wp-forums] Titles/Promotions/Labels

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 15:35:08 GMT 2005

So just thinking out loud, but why not just a button that people can put on 
their blog that says something to the effect "I'm a WordPress Volunteer!", 
that links back to their codex or forum profile. Anyone could have one, but 
it allows them to signify to their visitors that they actively participate 
in the community. It keeps it out of the forum "politics", but helps give 
"volunteers" ownership of the community. Of course there will be those they 
stick the button on their blog, but do not regularly participate, but my 
very well also encourage them to do so. Worse case scenario it's simply one 
more promotion for WordPress and the community driven environment that it 
encourages. A small bragging rights contest for the button creation to 
create some buzz over getting involved with the forums and codex, and 
perhaps some of the wishes of both "camps" is satisfied.
Or not.

Michael B aka miklb
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