[wp-forums] Forum Stickies

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Mon Jul 18 17:36:27 GMT 2005

Podz wrote:
> I've tried, and I hope succeeded, to roll the 3 stickies we did have 
> into 1. The 'do not bump' sticky has been unstuck and much incorporated 
> into what we have now. The other two were also unstuck - nothing has 
> been deleted - and although what we have now is a fairly long post, it 
> cuts down on forum clutter. One of the stickies has been rolled into 
> another Codex page which existed and there was a sufficient overlap.
> Many thanks to Michael H for tackling the task !

I propose we have these on the Codex as [[Forum Guidelines]] or 
something and I can add a link to them at the top of pages for new users.

Matt Mullenweg
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