[wp-forums] Titles/Promotions/Labels

Matthew Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Tue Jul 12 15:58:51 GMT 2005

Podz wrote:
> The very last thing I want to do is introduce a change that will take 
> the focus of the forums away from it's main purpose, and I can do 
> without it turning into a political arena too.
> Anyone ?

I think it's good that we had this discussion. I have an idea. I'm 
working on getting nice schwag for WP with the new logo, what if every 
month or every other month you and skippy point out the people who have 
been really helpful and we can send them stickers/t-shirts/whatever we 
have. This would allow recognition and reward of helpers, wouldn't be a 
public or exclusionary thing, and wouldn't be a "title" that is granted 
and taken away.

Matt Mullenweg
  http://photomatt.net | http://wordpress.org
http://pingomatic.com | http://cnet.com

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