[wp-forums] Titles/Promotions/Labels

Michael D Adams mikea at turbonet.com
Mon Jul 11 17:22:27 GMT 2005

On Jul 11, 2005, at 7:00 AM, Scott Merrill wrote:
> I could care less what the title is, for the most part.  I like
> "Volunteer"; though any number of positive terms could be applied:
> * Dedicated Support Volunteer
> * Knowledgable Person
> * Subject Matter Expert
> etc etc

One small word of caution about "Volunteer" as a title.  I think Podz  
had the right idea when he said "Everyone is a Volunteer".  As soon  
as some person answers one support question, she will have  
volunteered her time and knowledge, thus making her a Volunteer in  
fact, if not by title.  The titles, if implemented, should be an  
accurate reflection of the person in question.  Not *everyone* may be  
a volunteer, but there's a *lot* more volunteers out there than there  
are titles that will be given out (I'm guessing).

"Dedicated Volunteer" is much better, though it's patently subjective  
(the entire business of giving out titles would be subjective, but  
perhaps it would be good to try for something that doesn't scream it  
so).  Also, would a new volunteer see "Dedicated Volunteer" and think  
"oh, they probably don't need me, they have 'dedicated' people"?

Support Samaritan?  (Just as "bad" as "Volunteer" in the above sense,  
but perhaps a little less obviously so?)

Anyway, I've not that much of a problem with "Volunteer".  I just  
thought I'd throw those thoughts out there.

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