[wp-forums] Titles/Promotions/Labels

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Mon Jul 11 11:24:28 GMT 2005

Scott Merrill wrote:
> Again, my preference is that the default "Member" title be removed.  I 
> think it's silly to list "member" status on a forum that does not permit 
> anonymous posting.
> Then, users who satisfy whatever criteria is established can get 
> whatever title(s) we decided upon.

This would be a core decision though, and if people didn't have 'Member' 
there, what would they have ? It's a link to their profile too.

> Not everyone is a volunteer.  The person who asks questions without 
> contributing back is not volunteering.  Only those who take the time to 
> help answer questions are volunteers.

True and for this reason alone, plugin developers get zero special 
treatment. Plugin development, a presence on #wordpress and even 
submitting patches are all good things, but a forum presence is 
something else.

> Although it will be nearly impossible to articulate successfully, I 
> would very much like to also require some measure of "decorum": it's 
> insufficient to just give the right answer.  One must be demonstrably 
> supportive (within measure) when providing answers, instead of just 
> spitting out correct facts without context.
> (Yes, I've changed my mind a bit on the practice of merely dropping 
> links to the Codex; thanks largely to this list.)

I agree (even though I do fail here sometimes)

> Should we tier the title structure, to make it clear what a person's 
> effort / expertise / contributions are?
> * Support Volunteer
> * Documentor
> * Jack-of-all-trades
> Or, should we insist that titles are only assigned to people who 
> contribute at least one article to the Codex?  I suppose in the long run 
> this will be terribly exclusionary, as the Codex gains material; and 
> since not everyone will be interested / able to fill in the missing parts.

I'd stick with the forums myself, and exclude codex. one does not always 
mean the other ?


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