[wp-forums] Consider this a formal request

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 21:05:36 GMT 2005

Ok, there seemed to be quite a bit of discourse when I first joined
the list, but it seems to have quited down.  Regarding things that can
benefit those who like to answer in the forums, two things I would
like to know if can formally requested of the forums.
   1.  When clicking on profile, threads replied, show both your last
activity as well as any activity.
   2.  If not for everyone, those who do either belong to this list,
or some other way of determining (there was the talk of another level)
show more than currently the number of threads recently replied to.

Also, I've noticed the tags not being filled out in a lot of threads. 
 If tags are there to stay in the forums, should there be an effort to
fill in tags that we participate in?

Michael B aka miklb

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