[wp-forums] Noting Posts for Codex Articles

lorelle at cameraontheroad.com lorelle at cameraontheroad.com
Fri Jul 1 02:52:59 GMT 2005

While many of the documentation team volunteers hang out in the Forums, 
providing support and keeping an eye out for good article material, a 
lot slips by.

As "keepers of the Forum", The Codex team invites you to add links and 
descriptions about any post(s) you feel are worthy of inclusion in the 
Codex to the Task List. They can be material that should be in the FAQ, 
added to an existing document, or in an article on its own.  
Instructions can be found at 

If you are willing to convert any of these or a particular topic into an 
article on the Codex, we would love to help you. You can find a 
Documentation team volunteer on the IRC FreeNode Chat at 
#wordpress-docs, or check out 
http://codex.wordpress.org/Codex:Contributing, or post a note here or on 
my User Talk Page at User:Lorelle, or User:Carthik, when he gets back 
from vacation.

Thank you,


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