[wp-forums] Old and Tired

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Fri Dec 30 04:50:16 GMT 2005

This post from MacManX highlights a very important point:

A question that's been asked a thousand times in the forums in the last
two years is still a new question to the person who asked it for the
first time.

MacManX: I'm not chiding you, and I'm not saying that you did anything
wrong!  I was going to send you a private note, then deciced that this
could be a learning opportunity for all of us.

*We* know why phpBB isn't used, and we're all sick and tired of
rehashing the same argument(s) with new opponents every couple of
months.  But the OP didn't know, and will never know until he asks (or
searches).  I _completely_ share your exasperation, but it's something
we're going to live with forever (just like top-posting email replies!).

May I suggest that in the future we either link to an authoritative post
on this issue, or just answer with "Because we use bbPress.  Full stop."


skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/

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