[wp-forums] Tidying tags

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Thu Dec 29 12:10:25 GMT 2005

I've started playing with them - the duping should be a lot less.
However, nonsense has emerged.
Right now the following tags are showing:
error (858 posts)
help (367)
mysql (255)
new (129)
php (348)
problem (374)
tags (203)
wordpress (363)

For me, ALL the above are utterly useless. The fact that someone entered
them is of no consequence - if the tag cloud is to be of help, it needs
to have useful tags, not mindless clutter.
So ... options.

Create a Misc. tag and throw all the above into it. The topic Plugin is
the largest in the cloud with 1500+ topics. The above adds up to a lot
lot more. That makes a very large, and very useless Tag.

An incentive to get rid though is that 'new' has only 129 posts. So if
we get rid of all those, then 8 tags with less than 129 posts will rise
up. Makes getting an FAQ tag easier. Of course it also means that the
next tags could be equally useless (it wouldn't surprise to find an 'is'
or a 'the' in there) so we need to be careful what we do now as that
action will have to be repeated.

I just tried a little experiment.
I posted with two tags 'mysql' and 'chocolate'
If I then destroy the 'chocolate' tag, the post still stays there, and
it retains the 'mysql' tag. So ... if we assume (never a good thing I
know) that all the above tags have another _useful_ tag attached, then
we can safely destroy those tags.
At best, we end up with more focused tags.
At worst we leave some tag-less posts
In reality it'll be a combo of the above.

Thoughts ?

(and while I'm here - capitalisation of tags. Yes / no/ who cares ? :) )


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