[wp-forums] thread to be locked nomination

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Aug 26 08:19:29 GMT 2005

Michael B wrote:
> Firas has posted a solution to the OPs request, the thread has pretty 
> much digressed into a pissing contest, IMO it should be locked. 
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/42818

And I opened FF before Thunderbird so responded there.....

Honest opinion: Someone could write the /perfect/ code. put it in place, 
test it to destruction and yet someone could then post a comment which 
he disagreed with and he'd go nuts saying that the code didn't work. He 
is after his version of the internet - and it just ain't going to happen.
He has asked an astonishing amount of questions on the same subject 
since he registered. He has emailed several people - myself included - 
incessantly. I have stated (and you know how I lay instructions out) to 
do a,b,c and he says it does not work. Then I find out he actually did 
a.f.g.h.y.u.j.c.s.d.e.w. but the fact it does not work is my fault and 
will I fix it please. Now.
I have no time for him at all - which is an /extremely/ rare event - and 
locking the thread ... not sure. That could act as him thinking 'Look 
it's locked because they are attacking my righteous ways' and others 
could see it as 'Look we can't tell him he is being unreasonable'. I am 
totally confident that an email to him would be pointless, and would 
indeed spark a torrent of private email.
I can't help but think that the guy needs telling.
As a side note - look at the help he has had, then go hunt round his 
blog. Apart from ONE mention when he moved over, there is NOTHING on 
this issue - which just reinforces to me that he wants to operate a blog 
according to one agenda publicly while it grinds away very differently 
in practice.
He is as bad as those he wishes to ban.


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