[wp-forums] Posts, code & codebins

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Fri Aug 26 02:55:20 GMT 2005

Cna this be cleared up for me: "Code should have tags "
Oh, oh, oh... tags, as in like tags that are put on threads....Makes sense.

The only thing I can think of would be more like a "nice to have" rather 
than a "must have" is proper (or as close as possible) syntax 
highlighting. I find it so much easier to read through code when it's 
been prettyfied.  Maybe it's the developer in me and that's the way I'm 
used to seeing code, maybe because I use the color cues to quickly spot 
potential problems (misspelled keywords, etc)... shrug, but I wouldn't 
make it a requirement.


Matthew Mullenweg wrote:
> TechGnome wrote:
>> It (Podz's idea & Kaf's stipulation) tkes the idea a bit further than 
>> I was thinking, but it certanly sounds like a great idea. I'm all for 
>> it...
> Requirements so far:
> * Designed for posting code
> * Code should have titles and
> * Code should have tags
> * Requires wordpress.org login to use
> * Must maintain permanent archives
> Any other ideas?

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