[wp-forums] Posts, code & codebins

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Thu Aug 25 17:23:27 GMT 2005

tg at tannagh.com wrote:
> I was wondering if there would be any benefit to having links to
> pastebin (either one - patebin.com or paste.uni.cc) near the write post
> text area? Maybe with some text along the lines of "Have some code to
> post? Please help keep the forums a clean place by storing your code
> online at {link to the paste bin here that opens in a new window} and
> linking to it."

Most pastebins expire the submissions after some period of time.  So in
six months, when someone searches for a whiz-bang solution to their
problem, the pastebin link will no longer work...

skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/

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