[wp-forums] Maven abilities

ifelse wordswithstyle at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 22:16:06 GMT 2005

> "Throttling - that is there purely to stop the sort of spam we had last night, and not to stop us whacking out answers nice and fast. Unless there are objections I'm happy to work through and allow as many regular users to bypass that limit."
Actually being just a normal user, I wouldn't want throttling turned
off. As well as mitigating spam and double posts, I'd rather see
people people take a little bit of time in answering even if the
response can be rattled off quickly.

On 8/23/05, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> tg at tannagh.com wrote:
> >>Here is the current list of what Mavens can do:
> >>
> >>Forum :
> >>- edit a post by anyone else (but not other mavens)
> >>- delete any post
> >
> > Including that of another Maven? OR is that the same as an Edit?
> Actually, scrub that. When I wrote the original Upgrade post, Skippy
> could not edit that so I assumed it had remained the same. I just tried
> though and I can so edit/delete applies to other mavens too.
> >>- see deleted topics
> >>- see deleted posts
> >
> > How does that work? Does "deleted" not really mean "deleted?"
> > Depends on what your definition of "is" is.
> Deleted from view.
> The posts stay in the db (for how long I know not) but if someone posted
> "Podz deleted my posts!!" then Skippy, Matt, Carthik or Ryan could
> either confirm or refute that claim.
> > I'm not sure that the profile MUST link to a WP site. It also depends on
> > how you read that too. Some people may have WP on their site, but it
> > may be part of a larger site. Would the requirement be that it point
> > directly to the WP installation? Or should it be that the member has WP
> > *somewhere* on their site? Then again, also, some people have WP on an
> > Intranet, which isn't publicly available. OR they are still testing it
> > and don't have the public version up yet. Or they could be in the
> > process of moving from one system to another ..... OK, granted that the
> > URL cna be changed by the user after the fact, but .... eh.... I don't
> > know, I may be going on about something that might be a non-issue.
> I don't think is a non-issue and this again is why we are here. There
> are perfectly legit forum members who choose to link to a non-wp site.
> Their reasons matter not to me - what does matter however is how they
> are using the forums. If they use the forums properly, I see no reason
> to interfere at all. But if they are spamming / posting stuff that while
> not right is not wrong and otherwise trying to just get link visibility
> for a dubious site, then deleting their link is a not inappriate form of
> action ?
> I'm taking the long view here that the forums could get known as an easy
> access place that gets good linkage. Apart from dropping nofollow all
> over the place, if we can be proactive and stop obvious stuff, it might
> help ?
> >
> > PS: Who is going to monitor these links? Or is it going to be on a "as
> > they are caught" case-by-case basis?
> Us and as they are caught ?
> P.
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