[wp-forums] Supporting Plugin Authors

Michael E. Hancock mhancock at us.net
Tue Aug 23 16:01:05 GMT 2005


Before getting interrupted by Codex Cleanup Week I started a list--it's
messy but you can add that to the converstion:

Also, don't forget the information you added June 2 to Managing Plugins:

Michael E. Hancock
mhancock at us.net

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lorelle VanFossen" <lorelle at cameraontheroad.com>
To: "WordPress Forum Discussion" <wp-forums at lists.automattic.com>
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 8:11 PM
Subject: [wp-forums] Supporting Plugin Authors

> I'm starting to hear a lot of whines from WordPress plugin authors about
> the demand on their time and energy to provide support for their
> plugins. I'd like us to talk about how we can help them. Currently it is
> the semi-official policy that if people need help with plugins, they go
> to the author first, search second, and last resort, ask on the Forum.
> But I'm worried about "plugin author burnout". We need these creative
> We need to make it clear to plugin authors that clear and intelligible
> instructions need to be in a readme file and on a specific web page on
> their site. I think that plugin authors should "beta test" their
> instructions as much as their plugin to make sure they make sense. ;-)
> And to be honest, some plugin authors get so jazzed about what they have
> done, they hype it all over the place, so everyone runs to it and then
> the author gets bombarded with support questions. It's great to have the
> fame, but there is a price to pay.
> What can we do to help them out? Is there anything?
> Lorelle
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