[wp-forums] Search - nicely hidden...

ifelse wordswithstyle at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 13:23:37 GMT 2005

> "Maybe put the search back at the top along with a little blurb about searching before posting"
That's not going to make much difference as 
a) People don't read.
b) people that aren't going to search before posting aren't going to
notice/take attention of instructions next to the search bar.

However, what may be useful is the following. When a user submits a
post, do a quick lookup on common terms i.e. adsense, headers already
returned, error 28. If any of these are found, then direct them to a
dynamically generated page with codex links and a set of possible
matches under the heading "these pages may be related to your query"
as well as a final submit button.

> "I also wonder if the tag list could be moved over there? It does take a conciderable amount of space. - just out of curiosity, does any one have any idea on how often those are actualy used? 
I agree. Were it a personal tag list, then it's purpose at the top can
be better justified but as it is right now, it's just a clutter. I've
never used it and I'd be surprised if it provided useful support.

Adding verbosity only muddles up the place.

On 8/23/05, tg at tannagh.com <tg at tannagh.com> wrote:
> Ick! On the WP front page (http://wordpress.org) it's in the upper
> extreme right, and yes, it does look out of place.
> But in the forums, it's now down at the bottom? And it seems to blend in
> too. I agree that I'd like to see the side bar utilized a little more
> too. Maybe put the search back at the top along with a little blurb
> about searching before posting (maybe even a link to the Codex on how
> to effectively search - sometimes in addition to knowing how to search,
> sometimes the key is to know WHAT to search for, maybe suggest certain
> keywords for certain problems (having this problem? Search for these
> words), and maybe links to some pre-canned, commonly searched for items
> - adsense? creating a theme? etc.)
> I also wonder if the tag list that's at the top now, could be moved over
> there? It does take a conciderable amount of space. - just out of
> curiosity, does any one have any idea on how often those are actualy
> used? I've only used them a couple of times, but mostly out of
> curiosity.
> Tg
> Michael B <miklb.online at gmail.com> wrote on 08/23/2005, 08:30:08 AM:
> >
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