[wp-forums] We have a spammer

Peter Westwood peter.westwood at ftwr.co.uk
Mon Aug 22 10:05:01 GMT 2005

Podz wrote:

> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/42530#post-238810
> Not unhelpful, not obvious but I'd bet a large tub of really nice 
> jelly beans that he is after PR / linkage and that his actual level of 
> knowledge would fill a single jelly bean. But because he isn't being 
> horrible about it, what can we do ?
He's only made 2 posts so far the other being - 

At the moment he's fairly harmless - if he starts posting a lot of 
clueless posts then maybe we need to do something but for now he can't 
be getting much of a PR boost from just those two posts - I think that 
the PR boost you get will be done on a ratio of (links to your 
site)/(all external links) * sites PR so the boost here will be really 


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