[wp-forums] Your WordPress

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 02:39:15 GMT 2005

On 8/16/05, Lorelle VanFossen <lorelle at cameraontheroad.com> wrote:
> The article referenced on the Your WordPress section as a sticky:
> http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Site_Reviews
> It says right in there that there are no hard and fast rules. There are
> no rules that a site must be validated or anything else. It is a
> guideline for both the user and volunteer to help them understand how
> this all works and what to expect, if anything, from their request.
> "When posting your site in theYour WordPress section of the
> WordPress Forum, you are inviting critique and review of your
> WordPress site. If you are not specific with the feedback you want
> and need, reviewers will be as kind or harsh as they see fit. You
> asked for it, and you are going to get it."
> If someone asks "This is my new site, isn't it great?" then the answer
> would be "sure, yeah" or "well, I've seen better" or whatever and it IS
> the OPINION of the "reviewer" not WordPress, just to clarify that. If
> they say, "I really need someone to go over this and honestly, tell me
> what you think, and what can be improved or changed", then the quality
> of the response should be more than "cool site". The article points out
> the difference and helps everyone understand 1) how to ask in order to
> get the kind of response you want, and 2) the amount of work that goes
> into a good review.
> It also helps those who really want a good review of their site. They
> can go through the points and think "okay, the review is going to
> validate my site, so maybe I should do that first" or "they are going to
> look at ALL my pages so I better clean up the categories pages" and
> things like that. We had a lot of people who were using the "Hello
> World" post as the only post on the site and they only tweaked a couple
> of CSS changes so there was no way to see how the site would really work
> under different views, so we asked that they include at least three
> posts to help with multi-post views. That helped things a lot since
> people were now THINKING about their site and not just jazzed about
> bragging about it.
> We also had problems with the opinions expressed on both sides, so we
> put in there the statement:
> "Remember, none of the comments are personal. They do not reflect
> upon your ability, or lack thereof, to design or develop websites or
> web pages. They are meant to be constructive, informative, and
> helpful when possible."
> There was a rash of "comments" that were, to say the least, not helpful
> so this was an attempt to get everyone on the same page. It was also a
> way of directing such reviews ONLY in the Your WordPress area and not
> spread out all over the forum, which caused a lot of problems when
> people whined about not getting reviewed, not knowing their posts were
> in the wrong section.
> When the Codex is back up, we can add and subtract things from the
> article to help clarify things, so take a look and let us know what you
> think. It's a really good resource for people to go through whether or
> not they want their site reviewed, since it covers some of the basics
> that should be done anyway. ;-)
> Lorelle
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For the record, I hadn't read either the sticky or the codex page since it's 
been updated. It seems the language has already been toned down from what I 
remember how the original sticky read. The only suggestion I would make is 
to perhaps alter the "procedure" to read more of "what reviewers may look 
for". But again, I was basing my question on what I remember being there 
initially, not the current language.

Michael B aka miklb
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