[wp-forums] Your WordPress

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 18:39:35 GMT 2005

On 8/16/05, Les Bessant <les at lcb.me.uk> wrote:
>   Validation - I think it should only be mentioned if the site has a 
> problem, and should be suggested as an important step in troubleshooting.
> To that end, I agree. More often than not, people are simply looking for a 
> pat on the back for taking WP and tweaking it to their own eye. I assume 
> that was the intention of the forum. If someone comes in and says, "my 
> sidebar won't align" and has 108 validation errors, then by all means, 
> that's a effect answer. And if a member wants to point out validation, 
> that's their prerogative. I am simply asking if the forum should have a 
> formal "critique checklist" stickied to the top, and someone appointing them 
> self to run new requests through that list.

Michael B aka miklb
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