[wp-forums] Your WordPress

Vicki Frei vkaryl at allvantage.com
Tue Aug 16 17:58:19 GMT 2005

Second that motion, Podz.... and yes, that's EXACTLY what I thought this list 
was for!


Podz wrote:
> Matt Mullenweg wrote:
> Still an issue ? No idea.
> The decision though to drop YWP was taken in #meetup which raises two 
> points:
> - that the decision itself could have been reactionary to an odd blip of 
> YWP taking over more posts, and
> - that most people in #meetup probably don't use the forums as much as 
> we all do.
> I'd vote that it stays, and IF it's a problem, that we debate what 
> possible actions here. It's what this list is for ?
> P.
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