[wp-forums] vuln

Vicki Frei vkaryl at allvantage.com
Sun Aug 14 17:29:12 GMT 2005

Very good ideas Lorelle.  A "stable façade" is a definite plus when dealing with 
open source projects....

I'd be happy to offer ideas, proofread etc.  Whatever....


Lorelle VanFossen wrote:
> While we are freaking out (appropriately) over our response to these 
> recent issues, WordPress is not the only one hit by this.  
> http://www.security.nnov.ru/Fnews78.html, among many others, lists over 
> a dozen other programs effected by the "PHP inclusions, SQL injections, 
> directory traversals, crossite scripting, information leaks, etc." and 
> I'm sure that's the tip of the iceberg.
> We might find examples of how they handled this and learn from them, so 
> if anyone is involved in such groups or monitors such information, 
> please help us all learn about how to handle these wisely and 
> professionally.
> I've been going through Mozilla's press releases and announcements, 
> since Matt has mentioned they set such a good example, and they do. They 
> have a top notch PR group who are very publicly responsive and timely. 
> I'd like to work with our PR team to create the same kind of 
> responsiveneess so if patches and fixes are not out the door 
> immediately, we can publicly respond in a way that will take the heat 
> off the forum and provide a stable "facade", so everyone is informed and 
> the energy to focus on the fix is dedicated to fixing and not putting 
> out fires. How we handle each of these issues creates a long term 
> stradegy for the future.
> Thanks to Podz and Skippy and everyone for taking the lead in responding.
> Lorelle
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