[wp-forums] PR and Spam

Vicki Frei vkaryl at allvantage.com
Sat Aug 13 14:05:19 GMT 2005

Late to the party, as per normal.... I'm so far west things are always "done
 before I arrive!

I don't play the SEO game, so anything pointed at that hasn't any relevance
personally.  I'm not sold on nofollow, though I do think (as Skippy pointed
out) it has some usefulness if "properly applied" whatever that might
comprise. Between the latest crop of "security hole" posts and the
non-mention of NSFW posts, it does get to be a concern.

I REALLY like the "internal flag" idea.  That's more than useful, it becomes
practically imperative since most people, while they may be concerned about
something they see or read on the forum, either don't hunt (or not for long)
for email addys for appropriate contacts, or don't have the time to do a
good search so simply post something openly.  Openly doesn't hurt precisely,
but mods may not catch the post right away.... which obviously CAN hurt. 
And an internal flag that can be set by any user means that no one runs the
risk (small as it may be) of starting a war of words about what is or is not
"work safe"....

There is a potential downside though:  the mods may wind up with flags set
on totally innocuous posts - whether because of a mistake, bad judgement on
a user's part, or vendetta (hasn't AFAIK happened, but could I suppose). 
Hopefully that wouldn't add too much to the "look it over" list....

-------Original Message-------
From: Podz
Date: 08/13/05 06:28:58
To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
Subject: Re: [wp-forums] PR and Spam
Scott Merrill wrote:
>> I like the 'mod_look' tag idea
> I'm still not sold on tags, either, and new users might not know the
> right tag words.  I like how Flickr has a "Flag this photo as 'May
> Offend'".  It's a button (or link) that any user can hit.  That could
> set an internal flag on the post, just like 'resolved' / 'not resolved',
> and the mods could have a seperate view of all 'spam' posts.  Or
> whatever we call it.
Yep - that's it.
I don't see it as being of much use to new users anyway. More of
something that experienced forum users can use to flag the sort of thing
up which really is way OT / spam / damaging so that more people are
involved in keeping the forum ticking over in the manner to which we expect.
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