[wp-forums] PR and Spam

ifelse wordswithstyle at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 11:44:26 GMT 2005

> I like the 'mod_look' tag idea
As there's no need for any backend change, there's no reason why we
can't unofficially start using them.

The problem is, of course, I'd imagine that such incidents requiring
immediate action are few and far between which may mean that checking
of the tag page may get overlooked because of lack of action.

What can be done on the backend is for certain tags to be set on a
watchlist instead of visiting the page manually, posts relating to
your set of 'watched tags' would show up on the main page. Just food
for thought for the devs:)

In the meantime, if I see any dodgy posts, I'll tag it with mod_look

>I'm not entirely sold on nofollow - never was :)
True. I can easily debate both sides of the argument:) Incidentally,
no_follow doesn't stop the *?%$&!!! moments when you accidentally
click through at work so some other form of intervention is needed.

On 8/13/05, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> ifelse wrote:
>  > This is one of the instances where there's a stronger argument for the
>  > use of nofollow.
> I'm not entirely sold on nofollow - never was :)
> I think there is an argument for using nofollow on all posts until
> someone has posted a number of links. That way, the hit'n'run spammers
> get the nofollow whereas genuine and useful links that are provided in
> the forum get the link juice benefit.
> But then they are still leaving their URL's around - and I'd still say
> that they need to be deleted. It's like any spam - visibility to humans
> is just as good.
>  > For spammers, this will have no effect at all. They'll ignore it just
>  > the same way they ignore ethical conduct.
> The guy in question has turned out to be genuine, and I apologised to
> him - it's his porn site, and it's his blog there too. It was a
> combination of his not knowing to tag his sites as NSFW, his not linking
> directly and me jumping too soon. So the NSFW part could still be
> relevant ? I'm not fussed as it does not matter to me, but I know
> several people who do help from work
> For my money, although a blanket no-follow does the linkage no good for
> SE's, it just being there means we need to delete / break it, so if we
> need to intervene for that, then the blanket nofollow means little ?
> >>Maybe we should start using a 'spam?' tag ? After all, if one person says "This looks like spam" and a mod agrees, then it goes ?
> >
> > This has promise especially as it'll mean a single page (for mods) to
> > check up and address critical issues. Perhaps we can extend this line
> > of reasoning to use a 'mod_look' tag so that we can use it to tag
> > other posts as well such as:
> > dupes
> > security vulnerabilities
> > unproductive off-topic discussions
> >
> I like the 'mod_look' tag idea
> P.
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